We've gotten together a few more times since that initial talk a few days ago.  It's weird how out of all the issues we've seen, really the one that's most affected us is one about a tiny bird.  Maybe it's because it's a local species and affects our immediate environment (while carpooling home, Stephanie, who first mentioned burrowing owls to us, pointed out all the areas that were once burrowing owl habitat.  All that's left are huge expanses of dried scrub.  It's something we hadn't really noticed before, but everything seemed to really come into focus as we talked and researched the last few days.

Today, we were talking again, and somehow we couldn't stay off the topic of burrowing owls.  Finally, I said, "All right guys, we all agree we need to do something about this, right? So why don't we?"  I didn't exactly know what to expect, or if I was going to get a reaction at all.  Our group definitely had strong feelings about this topic, but these feelings ranged from "Are you crazy?  We're just a bunch of high schoolers!" to "Cool! Let's do it!"  At the end of our discussion, though, we decided: we have become a group.  We will work like the kids in Hoot and no matter what it takes we will make a difference in these birds' conditions.

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